
Understanding Child Support in Cases of Joint or Shared Custody

Child Support
Understanding Child Support in Cases of Joint or Shared Custody
April 15, 2024
Danielle A. Pinkston
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Child support and shared custody are critical aspects of family law that can significantly impact the lives of children and parents alike. This blog aims to elucidate the complexities of child support in the context of joint or shared custody, providing clear insights and practical guidance for parents navigating this challenging landscape.

What is Joint or Shared Custody?

Joint custody refers to a legal arrangement where both parents share the responsibility for raising their children, including making key decisions about their welfare. This arrangement can be bifurcated into:

  • Joint legal custody: Both parents have equal rights to make significant decisions about their children’s lives, including education, health care, and religious upbringing.
  • Joint physical custody: Children spend an approximately equal amount of time living with each parent.

Shared custody, often used interchangeably with joint physical custody, specifically refers to the logistical sharing of the children, where the children alternate between residences.

How Child Support Works in Shared Custody

Child support is a payment that one parent makes to the other to assist with the financial responsibilities associated with raising their children. The objective is to equalize the financial burden between the parents so that the children can maintain a consistent standard of living in both homes.

Factors Influencing Child Support Calculations

  1. Income of Both Parents: Child support calculations typically begin with an assessment of both parents’ incomes. This includes wages, dividends, and sometimes even bonuses or other financial benefits.
  2. Percentage of Time Each Parent Has Physical Custody: The amount of time that children spend with each parent can significantly affect child support payments. In shared custody arrangements, if one parent earns substantially more than the other, they may still be required to pay child support, even if the children spend equal time with both parents.
  3. State Guidelines: Each state has its own formula for calculating child support in joint custody cases. These formulas consider the income of the parents, the number of children, and the custody arrangement. Some states adjust the basic child support amount to account for the high level of parental responsibility in shared custody situations.

Adjustments and Deviations

Courts have the discretion to deviate from standard calculation guidelines under certain circumstances, such as:

  • Extraordinary medical, educational, or travel expenses
  • A parent’s high income or debt burdens
  • Special needs of the children

Practical Examples

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario: Two parents, Parent A and Parent B, share custody of their child. Parent A makes $70,000 a year, while Parent B makes $30,000 a year. They share custody equally. Depending on their state’s guidelines, Parent A might still owe Parent B child support to balance the child’s standard of living across both households.

Common Misconceptions

  • “If custody is 50/50, there’s no child support”: This is not necessarily true. Child support is about balancing the child’s quality of life in both homes. If there’s a significant income disparity between the parents, the higher-earning parent may still need to pay child support.
  • “Child support is only for basic needs”: Child support can also cover educational expenses, extracurricular activities, medical care, and more, depending on the child’s established standard of living.

Navigating Child Support and Custody

Navigating child support in the context of shared custody can be complex. It is crucial for parents to:

  • Consult with a Family Law Attorney: Legal advice is invaluable in understanding your rights and obligations.
  • Use State Resources: Many states provide calculators and resources to help estimate child support obligations.
  • Maintain Open Communication: Effective communication between parents can facilitate adjustments and accommodations as children grow and circumstances change.


Child support in joint or shared custody scenarios is designed to ensure that children experience a stable upbringing irrespective of the financial disparities between their parents. By understanding the foundational principles outlined above, parents can better prepare to meet their children’s needs effectively and equitably. If you’re navigating this path, remember, the focus is always on the best interest of the child.

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